Frequently Asked Questions



A Project Manager can help reduce your risk as a Board Member. Boards are typically obligated to provide a fiduciary responsibility to their Ownership. This means that a Board Member must carefully consider all the decisions that the Board makes. Wise Boards enlist the help of professionals to provide recommendations, guidance, and management of routine and complex projects.

We can’t afford a Project Manager, can we?

Mismanagement of a large multi-million-dollar project can end up to be very costly. While not every cost is foreseeable, many can be taken into account. For the majority of large capital improvement projects, the cost of a Project Manager makes up a relatively small percentage of the construction cost. It is very common that an experienced Project Manager can virtually pay for themselves over the duration of the project. This can be done by providing cost-cutting solutions, time-saving alternatives, and contractor accountability for the defined scope of work.